Shared Logistics Platforms Gain Popularity
이현   |  
|  2023.03.20 10:53
The use of a shared logistics platform called (모당) Modang by Jeju residents to solve the problem of undeliverable goods has increased.

According to Jeju Province and the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, the number of undeliverable goods delivered through Modang from the beginning of this year to the 15th of last month was 61.

The number of completed deliveries has increased by more than 10% to an average of 25 per month compared to last year since the service was launched.

In addition, there has been an increase in inquiries about delivering goods, with 547 inquiries this year.

제주도민 공유물류 플랫폼 '모당' 이용 증가

제주도민들의 상품 배송불가 문제 해소를 위한 공유물류 플랫폼 '모당' 이용실적이 늘어난 것으로 나타났습니다.

제주도와 경제통상진흥원에 따르면 올들어 지난 15일까지 모당을 통한 제주 배송불가 상품 배송 건수는 모두 61건으로 집계됐습니다.

배송완료 건수는 월 평균 25건으로 서비스가 운영된 지난해보다 10% 이상 늘었습니다.

상품 배송문의도 올들어 547건에 이르는 등 관심이 높아지고 있습니다.

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