Jeju Investigates Air Polluters
이현   |  
|  2023.05.18 11:49
The Jeju Provincial Police Agency's autonomous police unit has conducted special inspections on facilities causing particulate matter pollution, leading to the detection of 10 sites, which are currently under investigation.

According to the main details, among the 10 sites, five, including an A-Remicon manufacturing plant in (애월읍) Aewol-eup, failed to comply with requirements to use a protective cover for dusty materials, such as cement raw materials, with dustproof covers when storing them for more than a day.

Additionally, the other five sites, including a construction site by Company B in Seogwipo, were caught operating without reporting their activities that cause particulate matter emissions.

The autonomous police unit plans to initiate criminal charges against the 10 sites that were caught and notify relevant departments to impose administrative penalties, such as compliance orders.

자치경찰단, 비산먼지 발생 사업장 10곳 적발

제주도 자치경찰단이
비산먼지 발생 사업장에 대한 특별단속을 벌여
10곳을 적발해 수사중입니다.

주요내용을 보면
애월읍 A레미콘 제조사업장 등 5곳은
비산먼지 발생을 억제하기 위해
시멘트 원료 등 야적물질을 하루 이상 보관하는 경우
방진덮개로 덮어야 하나
이를 이행하지 않았습니다.

또 서귀포 B건축 공사현장 등 5곳은
비산먼지 발생사업 신고를 하지 않고 작업을 하다 적발됐습니다.

적발된 10곳에 대해 형사입건하고
조치이행명령 등
행정처분하도록 관련부서에 통보할 예정입니다.

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