Jeju to Secure 2 Trillion in National Budget
이현   |  
|  2023.05.22 10:09
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province is targeting 2 trillion won for next year's national budget allocation and is strengthening central negotiation.

Each ministry is under budget review by the end of this month which will be submitted to the Ministry of Planning and Finance, which will outline insights and point out potential controversies.

The plan is to mobilize personal networks including members of the National Assembly and honorary citizens, to ensure the allocation of budgets for regional projects, including both total budget and public competition projects.
This is expected to help secure the necessary funds and resources to support regional initiatives.

Furthermore, Jeju plans to actively execute national subsidy programs to minimize the disposal or carryover of budgets.

제주도, 내년 국비 확보 목표 2조…"절충 강화"

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