‘We condemn Jeju Air’s decision to fly to Fukushima’
김민회 영어뉴스  |  1004@kctvjeju.com
|  2017.02.24 13:05

‘We condemn Jeju Air’s decision to fly to Fukushima’
Jeju branch of KCTU releases statement Thursday

More people are voicing their opposition to Jeju Air’s decision to operate nonscheduled flights to Fukushima, Japan - where a tsunami caused nuclear meltdowns and the release of radioactive materials in 2011.

On Thursday, the Jeju branch of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions released a statement saying quote “Jeju Air’s selfish profit-seeking decision is compromising workers’ lives” unquote.

Confederation representatives also called Jeju Air’s decision to close its local call center and lay off all workers an act equivalent to murder. They said the provincial government, as one of the company’s shareholders, should rein in the airline.

"日 후쿠시마 운항 제주항공 규탄한다"

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특히, 최근 제주지역 콜센터 폐쇄를 위해 집단 해고한 것은 마치 살인과 같다며 제주도정은 주주로서 제주항공의 폭주를 막아야 한다고 강조했습니다.

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