Officials mull private investment in Jeju Sewage Treatment Plant
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.03.20 12:59

Officials mull private investment in Jeju Sewage Treatment Plant
Feasibility study by end of May

Local officials are considering using private investment to modernize the Jeju Sewage Treatment Plant, which is operating over capacity.

The provincial department of water and sewerage will select a firm by the end of March for a feasibility study, which will be complete by the end of May.

Originally, officials wanted the Jeju Development Institute to run the study. It declined, citing internal reasons.

The government will also expand the capacity of the Jeju Sewage Treatment Plant by 14,000 tons. Finally, it plans other upgrades to allow the Woljeong Sewage Treatment Plant to manage waste water from the Samyang region.

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