One out of every three islanders in their 40s or 50s
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.03.23 13:08

One out of every three islanders in their 40s or 50s
Jeju’s population nearly 644,000

One out of three Jeju residents are in their 40s or 50s.

According to data released by the Ministry of the Interior, about 644,000 people live on the island. There are about 320,000 females and 324,000 males.

The most populous age bracket, at 17.5 percent and nearly 113,000, is people in their 40s. Next are fiftysomethings, who account for 15.8 percent of the local population, or about 102,000. That means a full third of the island’s population is in their 40s or 50s.

13.5 percent of island residents are in their 30s, 11.9 percent are twentysomethings, and teenagers make up 11.7 percent of the population.

Finally, 9.7 percent are in their 60s, 6.4 percent are in their 70s, 3 percent in their 80s, and 0.5 percent of island residents are at least 90 years old.

제주도민 3명 중 1명은 40~50대

제주도민 3명 가운데 1명은 40~50대, 장년층인 것으로 나타났습니다.

행정자치부가 발표한 우리나라 주민등록 인구현황에 따르면 제주지역 인구는 남자 32만 7천834명, 여자 31만 9천952명 등 모두 64만3천736명으로 집계됐습니다.

연령대별로는 40대가 11만 2천867명으로 17.5%, 50대 10만 1천673명 15.8%,
즉 40~50대가 모두 21만 4천540명으로 전체 인구의 33.3%를 차지했습니다.

이어 30대 8만 6천700여명 13.5%, 20대 7만 6천700여명 11.9%, 10대 7만 5천여명 11.7% 순 입니다.

이밖에 60대 6만 2천명 9.7%, 70대 4만 1천명 6.4%, 80대 1만 9천명 3%. 90대 이상은 3천343명으로 0.5% 입니다.

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