Stay Safe!
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.04.18 13:30
It’s now the time of the year when a lot of people head to the hills to collect bracken, a type of fern often used in local dishes. Every year, though, dozens of people are reported missing when they do go out. Authorities say keeping a few things in mind will go a long way toward staying safe. Kim Minhoe tells us more.


On a beautiful spring day, people can be seen walking around with a basket full of harvested bracken.

Around this time every year, the mid-mountain area is crowded with people gathering this plant.

Even in less traveled areas, like forgotten mountain paths or at the entrances of oreum, you can see people harvesting the fiddleheads.

However, it is advised to take extra care so as to not lose your way when you collect the bracken.

Dozens of missing persons reports are filed every year during bracken harvesting season.

Kim Young-sik / Bracken collector
When we collect bracken in the mid-mountain area, we usually call out our group members’ names to make sure they’re okay. We also look keep looking around to make sure we don’t get lost.
<인터뷰 : 김영식/고사리 채취객>
"(위험하니까) 중간에 서로가 네 사람이면 각자 이름을 한번씩 불러줘요. 그런식으로 좌측 우측 (살피며) 내려오고…"

A total of 60 missing persons cases occurred in 2015, and 48 in 2016. And this month, already seven people went missing and had to be rescued by 119 emergency services this month.

<브릿지 : 김민회>
Kim Minhoe / KCTV English News

Additionally, special care is needed in places with thick woods because it is easier for you to get lost, so you have to look around not to lose your bearings.

‘Be prepared and go with a group’

It would also be better to wear bright clothing, and the most important thing you have to keep in mind is to go in groups.

Kim Gi-beom / Emergency response chief, Dongbu Fire Station
It is important to prepare yourself for an emergency by bringing a whistle, extra clothing, and an extra battery.”
<인터뷰 : 김기범/동부소방서 구좌 119센터장>
"고사리를 꺾을 때는 만일의 상황을 대비해 휴대전화 예비배터리나 호루라기, 여벌 옷 등을 준비해 안전사고에 대비하는 게 중요합니다."

[Reporter] Kim Minhoe
[Camera] Kim Yong-min

Following safety rules will make your activities this spring more enjoyable.

Kim Minhoe, KCTV

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