Jeju remains national geopark
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.04.20 13:13

Jeju remains national geopark
Initial designation in December 2012

Jeju Island has retained its designation as a national geopark.

The provincial government says the National Geopark Committee recently convened and decided to renew the designation that Jeju first gained in December 2012.

Committee members also added Udo and Biyangdo to the list of geosites in Jeju, pushing the total to 12.

Jeju is the first of Korea’s national geoparks to have its designation renewed, a process that must happen every four years.

Local officials say this will help in Jeju’s bid to retain its designation as a UNESCO World Geopark.

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제주특별자치도에 따르면 국가지질공원위원회는 어제 회의를 개최하고 지난 2012년 12월에 인증된 제주 국가지질공원을 재인증하기로 결정했습니다.

특히 이번 재인증 과정에서 지질공원 대표명소를 기존 10개에서 우도와 비양도를 포함해 12곳으로 확대했습니다.

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