Jeju Labor Welfare Center opens
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.05.17 13:18

Jeju Labor Welfare Center opens
Facilities include support center for temp workers, health center

There was an opening ceremony Tuesday for the Jeju Labor Welfare Center.

The center is a three-floor building with one basement level. It is located near the entrance to Halla Arboretum in Jeju City. Its amenities include a labor training consultation center, a support center for temporary workers, and a health center.

Officials say the center will direct improvements to workers’ leisure and living conditions.

The center and its facilities are open to all island residents.

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제주시 한라수복원 입구 인근에 지하 1층, 지상 3층 규모로 지어진 근로자종합 복지관은 노동교육 상담소를 비롯해 비정규직근로자 지원센터와 건강센터 등을 갖췄습니다.

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