Connected Classrooms
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.05.23 13:31
A handful of small rural schools on the island are trying something new. Classrooms here are connecting with classrooms in Australia via real time video. The children in each country learn about each other’s languages, culture and school life. Joseph Kim reports.


Nabeup Elementary School in Aewol, Jeju City

This is an English class of 5th graders in an elementary school in Jeju City.

These young students are talking about their school life in front of the screen to students in Australia.

"매년 하는데 지난해는 9월 9일에 말 타기와 같은 다양한 놀이의 수업을 했어요.“
We’ve been doing it every year. Last year on September 9th, we did a number of fun classes together, like horseback riding.

Video class connecting classrooms in Korea and Australia

The provincial office of education and an Australian school are jointly working together to connect students in both of the countries.

Beginning in April, the schools have held the video class once a month on a trial basis.

Different from online video lectures, they use cameras and big screens to communicate in real time.

The students ask questions and answer freely, which encourages the children to participate more in the classes.

Gal So-won / Grade 5, Nabeup Elementary School
I couldn’t understand every detail, but I could figure out what they wanted to talk about. I learned about the good things and interesting things at the Australian school.
[인터뷰 갈소원 / 납읍초 5학년 ]
"어려운 말이 있었지만 대충 알아들을 수 있었고 그 학교의 좋은 점과 특이한 점을 알 수 있었어요. "

Both of the classrooms communicate in English.

The class provides opportunities for them to learn about each other’s culture.

Park Yong-jun / Grade 5, Nabeup Elementary School
The Australian kids have traveled a lot in their country, but most of us stay on the island. I’m jealous of them.
[인터뷰 박용준 / 납읍초 5학년]
"친구들은 호주 주변의 다른 곳을 많이 갔는데 우리는 제주안에서만 여행을 해서 조금 그래요."

Teachers choose topics that young students can easily approach to break down language barriers between the classrooms.

Cha Ji-yeon / Teacher, Nabeup Elementary School
The project is challenging. But I’ve observed that my students were excited and prepared for the online class. That’s encouraged me to keep going with it.
[인터뷰 차지연 / 납읍초 교사]
"애들 스스로도 어떤 말을 어떻게 영어로 해야할 지 조금 더 호기심을 갖고 준비하는 모습을 보면서 어렵지만 할 수 있겠다는 생각을 했습니다."

7 elementary schools and 1 middle school on the island have internationally connected classrooms at the moment.

[Reporter] Joseph Kim
[Camera] Kim Yong-min

Educational authorities will carry out a satisfaction survey this year and decide whether to expand the video class or not next year.

Joseph Kim, KCTV
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