Jeju: A to Z (Chusa Exile Trail)
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.05.24 13:19
This week on Jeju: A to Z, Todd Thacker takes a brief look at three walking paths that have over 150 years of history. The Chusa Exile Trail marks the routes walked by scholar and calligrapher Kim Jeong-hui, who was exiled to the southwest of the island from 1840 to 1849.

Unlike the popular venue it is today, Jeju in centuries past was inhospitable and relatively remote. For this reason, historically it was used as a place of exile.

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Anseong-ri, Daejeong-eup

Over the course of approximately 500 years, some 200 individuals were ordered here by the Joseon royal court. And as it turned out, these forlorn exiles, known as “yubaeja” (유배자) in Korean, took many solitary, contemplative walks during their banishment.

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Three paths walked by Chusa Kim Jeong-hui during his exile

Three routes famously walked by prominent scholar, government official, and calligrapher Chusa Kim Jeong-hui (추사 김정희) have in the past few years been restored and opened to the public.

The Chusa Yubaegil (추사유배길), or Chusa Exile Trail, is made up of three paths in the southwest of the island. The first two are dubbed the Road of Meditation and Road of Connection, taking three hours each to complete. The third is the Road of Tenacity, which begins at the 600-year-old Daejeong Confucian School in Saegye-ri, Andeok-myeon, is a four-hour journey that has been walked since at least the early 1400s.

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Chusa’s art, calligraphy were influenced by Jeju’s beauty

Chusa, who was exiled to the island from 1840 to 1849 after falsely being accused of political intrigue, had an erudite background. Chusa taught students here, and spent his time writing -- and painting -- Jeju-themed works.

Chusa was moved by images of Jeju’s black basalt stones, its volcanic cones, or oreum, and the ever-changing views of the ocean. His art and calligraphy were heavily influenced as he walked and contemplated the natural beauty of this remote land.

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Todd Thacker

There are many walking courses on the island, such as the two dozen or so Jeju Olle walking trails. Thanks to Chusa Kim Jeong-hui, we are fortunate to have three more beautiful walks to add to the island’s overall total.

Todd Thacker KCTV

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