Monitoring for low-salinity seawater
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.07.13 13:14

Monitoring for low-salinity seawater
Everything normal now, but researchers expect problems next month

Researchers have started to monitor the possible influx to the island of warm, low-salinity seawater.

China’s Yangtze River has recently been dumping huge amounts of freshwater into the East China Sea. Currents push the water this way, so the Jeju Ocean and Fisheries Research Institute is monitoring the salinity and temperature of ocean water off the western coast of the island.

Also, a fishery inspection vessel named the Samda has been dispatched to a point 100 kilometers from the island. It is trying to determine the route of the low-salinity water.

As of now, salinity levels are normal, but the they are expected to drop next month. Authorities are therefore urging caution among those who make their living from the sea, as the phenomenon could have serious effects.

저염분수 유입 우려…해상 예찰 실시

수온 저염분수 유입에 대비한 해상 예찰이 본격 시작됐습니다.

제주도해양수산연구원은 최근 중국 양자강에서 다량의 담수가 방류되면서 제주 서부연안을 중심으로 염분과 수온 조사를 실시하고 있습니다.

어업조사선 삼다호는 내일까지 제주 먼 바다 100km 해상에서 담수 유입경로 등을 파악할 예정입니다.

제주도는 현재는 연안 수온과 염분은 정상 수치를 보이고 있지만 다음달 쯤 저염분수가 유입될 것으로 예상되는 만큼 각별한 주의를 당부하고 있습니다.

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