Highest farm debt in country
김민회 영어뉴스  |  1004@kctvjeju.com
|  2017.07.13 13:16

Highest farm debt in country
Jeju average: \64m, national average: \27m

Jeju farmers are struggling under a staggering amount of debt.

According to the Jeju branch of the Bank of Korea, the average Jeju farmer owed 64 million won as of the end of last year. The figure rose 41 percent in just three years. The average debt was 45 million won in 2013.

It is also the highest figure in the nation, by more than a factor of two. The average Korean farmer is just 27 million won in debt.

Analysts say there are a few reasons for the current situation. Local farmers invest heavily in facilities, living expenses are relative high on the island, and there has been little increase in farming income.

The bank says it is essential that farmers and agricultural authorities work to get local farmers out in front of loan payments. It projects the agricultural industry will continue to face tough times and dwindling income.

제주농민 가구당 부채 6천400만원…전국 최고

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한국은행 제주본부에 따르면 지난해 말 기준 제주도내 농가 가구당 부채 규모는 6천 400만 원으로 2013년 4천 500만 원보다 41% 증가�습니다.

이 같은 부채 규모는 전국 최고 수준으로 전국 평균 2천700만 원보다 두배 이상 많은 것입니다.

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