Jeju City aims to stabilize prices for holiday items
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.09.18 13:18

Jeju City aims to stabilize prices for holiday items
Attempt to prevent price gouging in lead-up to Chuseok

Jeju City has declared a special period through the end of this month to stabilize prices for Chuseok holiday items.

Officials are monitoring the prices for 38 items, which have been organized into six categories. One of those groups includes items used in ancestral rites.

They are also on the lookout for false product origin labeling as well as improper measuring at traditional markets and large retailers.

Then on September 27th, city officials will join local organizations for a campaign to encourage shoppers to make their Chuseok purchases at local shops and traditional markets.

제주시, 추석 물가안정 특별대책기간 운영

제주시가 추석명절을 앞두고 이달 말까지를 물가안정관리 특별대책기간으로 운영합니다.

제주시는 이 기간 물가대책종합상황실을 설치해 제수용품 등 6개 분야 38개 품목에 대한 지도점검을 강화할 계획입니다.

이와함께 전통시장과 대형마트를 대상으로 원산지 허위표시나 불법계량행위 등을 단속합니다.

제주시는 오는 27일 자생단체와 함께 추석맞이 전통시장.골목상권 이용하기 캠페인을 실시할 계획입니다.

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