Jeju: A to Z (Five-day Markets)
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.12.06 14:08
This week on Jeju: A to Z, Todd Thacker takes a brief look at Jeju’s five-day markets, which offer fresh, inexpensive produce as well as the personalized service that regular customers have come to appreciate.

When it comes to shopping on Jeju, you could say we’re spoiled for choice. Big supermarket chains, smaller farm co-ops, even citizen organized flea markets are common. But there’s a kind of market here which offers up both fresh ingredients and personalized service which are second-to-none.

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Fresh local produce at competitive prices

Jeju’s five-day markets are found all over the island and have a wide selection of local produce, fruits, fish, Jeju black pork, and more. Often prices are negotiable, or if not, the merchant may choose to add a little extra to your shopping bag.

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Purchases can be sent to mainland directly from market

Many visitors to Jeju also shop at the island’s five-day markets, buying in bulk for themselves or for Jeju gifts to give to friends and family back on the mainland. They can use a delivery service to send home boxes of mandarin oranges, for example, or dried sea bream, a Jeju delicacy.

And speaking of delicious food, there are plenty of food stalls located around the markets which sell piping hot soups and other hearty dishes and traditional snacks.

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Island’s largest market is in Dodu-dong, Jeju City

The largest of the five-day markets is in Jeju City. Over the years it has grown and relocated a number of times, but since 1998 it has operated in Dodu-dong with over 1,000 stalls.
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Todd Thacker

These days the markets are catering to overseas visitors as well, with signage in languages like English and Chinese. What better way to get a sense of the real Jeju than in the hustle and bustle of the island’s traditional style of shopping.

Todd Thacker KCTV

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