Lee Min-ho’s funeral held Wednesday
김민회 영어뉴스  |  1004@kctvjeju.com
|  2017.12.07 13:45

Lee Min-ho’s funeral held Wednesday
HS student killed in accident while on field placement program

The local high school student who was killed in an accident while working on a field placement program was laid to rest Wednesday.

Lee Min-ho’s funeral at Seogwipo Industry Science High School was held in the same style as a superintendent of Jeju education’s funeral.

Among the roughly 300 mourners were his family and friends as well as Governor Won Hee-ryong and Superintendent of education Lee Suk-mun. They laid flowers, burned incense, and expressed their wishes that he rest in peace.

The educational superintendent said it was the distorted greed and selfishness of adults that led to the tragedy. He vowed to improve safety for local students.

In his address, the governor said he will do everything he can to prevent a similar tragedy from reoccurring.

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