Night market to open at Dongmun Traditional Market
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2018.01.04 13:40

Night market to open at Dongmun Traditional Market
32 food stalls to be open 6 PM to 12 AM beginning in February

Dongmun Traditional Market will open its first-ever night market in February.

Jeju City officials say they are finalizing the administrative procedures for the initiative and that they have finished installing sales stands in front of the Dongmun Customer Support Service Center’s arcade.

They have also ordered lights and other equipment.

32 merchants will run food stalls at the night market from 6 p.m. to midnight.

제주시 동문시장 야시장 다음달 개장

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야시장은 오후 6시부터 자정까지 운영되며 사업자 32명이 다양한 조리음식을 판매하게 됩니다.

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