Eased requirements, greater payouts for basic pension
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2019.02.13 15:29
4. Eased requirements, greater payouts for basic pension
Up to ₩300,000 monthly

The provincial government is now accepting applications for basic pension payments from local residents who turn 65 or older this year.

To qualify, the maximum monthly income for single-person households has been boosted by 60,000 won to 1,370,000 won. The cutoff for couples went up 96,000 won to 2,192,000.

Authorities also increased the maximum monthly pension benefit from 250,000 won to 300,000.

You can apply for the pension in person at local community service centers or the local branch of the National Pension Service, or online at through the “Bokjiro” website.

어르신 기초연금 확대…최대 30만 원

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