JDC undergoes reorganization
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2019.04.10 15:51
3. JDC undergoes reorganization
Goals to enhance management and development

The Jeju Free International City Development Center restructured its organization and carried out personnel changes for the first time since CEO Moon Dae-lim took office.

The JDC newly established the Resort Complex Department and Future Business Development Department to push ahead plans to construct the Resort Complex and to discover new business opportunities.

A Value Management Division was newly organized under the Management & Planning Headquarter. A task force was also created to drive the 2nd Advanced Science and Technology Complex.

Personnel changes for 23 JDC managers were carried out, including Gwak Jin -kyu as Planning Director of Duty Free Business Headquarter, Kim Yong-seok as head of Future Investment Department and Kim Du-han as head of HR & General Affairs Department.

휴양단지처 신설 JDC 조직개편…부서장 인사

문대림 이사장 취임 후 첫 조직을 개편하고
이에 따른 인사를 단행했습니다.

주요내용을 보면
휴양단지 사업의 정상추진을 위한 휴양단지처와
신규사업 발굴을 위한 미래사업단을 신설했습니다.

또 경영기획본부에 가치경영실을 신설했으며
제2첨단과기단지의 조속한 추진을 위해 제2첨단팀도 설치했습니다.

JDC는 이에 따라
면세사업단 면세기획처장에 곽진규,
미래사업단장 김용석,
인사관리실장에 김두한 등
23명의 부서장급 인사를 단행했습니다.

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