Asbestos removal poorly managed in Jeju
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.04.11 16:10
1. Asbestos removal poorly managed in Jeju
Governor Won promises prompt action

In an investigative report by KCTV News, asbestos removal from buildings on the island has been found to be sluggish. Asbestos, once marketed as a “magic mineral” and popularly used for construction, is known to be a threat to public health.

Provincial council member Kang Sung-eui of the Democratic Party of Korea pointed out at the question and answer session at the Jeju Provincial Council on the 10th, that the province “failed” to properly manage its asbestos removal program.

Kang said that the province did not regularly report inspection results on buildings constructed using asbestos to the Ministry of Environment. She also noted that related officials have not been properly trained or appointed to manage asbestos facilities, thus violating related regulations.

She further argued that even though the Provincial Office of Education started asbestos removal in 180 schools 5 years earlier than first planned, the process had been mismanaged by the province in the case of households.

Governor Won said that he will secure necessary financial and human resources to eliminate asbestos from buildings and prioritize areas of higher risk.

"제주도 석면 관리 부실, 관련법 위반"

KCTV가 보도한 석면 문제와 관련해
제주도의 관리 체계가 부실하다는 지적이
제주도의회에서 제기됐습니다.

더불어민주당 강성의 의원은
10일 도의회 임시회 도정질문에서
석면 건축물에 대한 관리 결과를 환경부에 보고하도록 돼 있지만
제대로 지켜지지 않았고,
석면 관리인 지정 및 교육도 부실해
관련 법률을 위반했다고 주장했습니다.

특히 제주도교육청이
180여 개 학교의 석면 교체를 5년 앞당겨 추진하고 있지만
제주도의 석면 교체 사업은 속도가 더디다고 지적했습니다.

원희룡 지사는
석면 교체에 필요한 재원을 확보한 뒤
위험성이 큰 곳부터
우선 제거하겠다고 밝혔습니다.
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