Governor says revision of by-law is ‘unconstitutional’
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.04.12 15:24

1. Governor says revision of by-law is ‘unconstitutional’
Controversy stirs over legality of restricting airport construction

Governor Won Heeryong said it is illegal and unconstitutional for the Jeju Provincial Council to push for the revision of the by-law to restrict the construction of the airport in the conservation zone.

Governor Won emphasized at the question and answer session at the provincial council that revising the conservation zone management by-law goes against the purpose of the constitution and rule according to higher law.

He further noted that he received authoritative interpretation of the revision as “unconstitutional” and will ask for reconsideration if the provincial council pushes forward the revision of the by-law.

Provincial Council Member Hong Myeong-hwan disclaimed Won’s statement that the revision has “firm legal grounds” on the Jeju Special Act.

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