Jeju plans to invite NK leader to the island
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.04.12 15:26
3. Jeju plans to invite NK leader to the island
Committee resumes discussions on inter-Korean cooperation

The provincial government will resume discussions on Jeju’s role in the inter-Korean cooperation project.

The province newly formed a local committee made up of experts to start discussions on the exchange project with the North.

It includes inviting leaders of the two Koreas and their delegations to Jeju to participate in the Jeju Forum. Also Jeju will encourage the North to compete in various sports and accommodate North Korea’s soccer team’s winter practice. Jeju also plans to invite North Korean officials to join the UNESCO-recognized Global Geoparks Network meeting hosted in Jeju next year.

Jeju’s participation in the inter-Korean cooperation project started in 1999 by sending locally grown mandarins to the North, however the exchange ended in 2010.

제주 남북교류 협력사업 논의 재개

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논의될 교류 협력사업은
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각종 스포츠대회의 북측 참가,
북한 축구선수단의 동계 전지훈련 유치,
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유네스코 세계지질공원총회에서의 북한 초청 등입니다.

지난 1999년부터 감귤보내기 사업을 중심으로 한
제주도의 남북교류 협력사업은
지난 2010년 이후 중단된 상태입니다.

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