Jeju City conducts joint safety inspection of COVID-19 high-risk facilities
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.09.07 09:59
Jeju City conducts joint safety inspection of COVID-19 high-risk facilities
More than 15,800 sites to be investigated

Jeju City will conduct safety inspections at high-risk facilities, as well as food and public sanitation facilities in accordance with Jeju Island's administrative measures following the continued spread of COVID 19.

The inspection targets more than 15,800 sites, including entertainment bars, clubs, buffets, and restaurants.

High-risk facilities will be inspected to ensure that the primary quarantine rules, such as implementing a visitors’ log, and mandatory mask-wearing, are being properly carried out.

Under the new administrative order banning the gathering of more than three people in one location, the Jeju City government plans to monitor if this regulation is being met by all restaurants in guest houses. The city plans to strongly punish businesses that have violated the law.

3. 제주시, 코로나19 고위험시설 등 합동 안전점검

제주시가 코로나19 확산세에 따른 제주도의 행정조치에 따라
고위험시설과 식품, 공중위생업소에 대한 안전점검을 실시합니다.

점검 대상은
고위험시설인 유흥주점과 클럽, 뷔페 그리고, 일반 휴게 음식점 등
만5천800여 곳입니다.

특히 고위험시설에 대해서는
출입자 명부 작성과 관리, 마스크 착용 등 핵심 방역수칙 이행 실태를

제주시는 3인 이상 집합금지 행정 명령에 따라
농어촌민박사업장과 게스트하우스 내 음식점에 대해서도
이행 여부를 점검해 위반 사항이 발견되면 강력히 처벌한다는 방침입니다.
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