MOLIT reflects construction for secondary airport in 2021 budget
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.09.07 10:01
MOLIT reflect construction for secondary airport in 2021 budget
Basic plan will be released by year end

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport reported a total of 47.3 billion won in next year's budget, which includes 43 billion won for the construction of the secondary airport.

The ministry also plans to complete a thorough investigation of wildlife, such as the current status of birds and caves, and discuss the strategic environmental impact assessment with the Ministry of Environment starting from this month until November.

Once the consultation with the Ministry of Environment is complete, the basic plan for the construction of the second airport will be released by the end of the year.

6. 국토부, 내년 예산에 '2공항 실시설계비' 반영

국토교통부가 내년 예산안에
제2공항 건설사업 실시설계 사업비로
430억 원 등
모두 473억 원을 반영했습니다.

조류 현황과 숨골, 동굴 등에 대한 정밀조사를 조만간 마무리하고

이달부터 환경부와
전략환경영향평가에 대해 협의해
마무리한다는 방침입니다.

환경부와 협의가 완료되면
올 연말까지
제2공항 건설사업 기본계획을 고시할 계획입니다.

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