Jeju City to roll out intensive crackdown on realtors
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.04.27 14:13
Jeju City to roll out intensive crackdown on realtors
Crackdown focuses on the newly constructed apartments in Yeon-dong

Jeju City will conduct an intensive crackdown on realtors for three days from the 3rd to the 5th of the following month. The crackdown will be conducted during the contracting period for the newly constructed e-Pyunhansesang in Yeon-dong which has been causing controversy over its high pre-sale prices.

The target of the crackdown will be price-fixing activities made via social media platforms with the purpose of influencing the market price as well as unqualified brokerage activities.

In particular, the crackdown will focus on the installation of temporary intermediary facilities, so-called floating rooms, and the writing of false contracts. If such cases are detected, the government will impose fines and or proceed with prosecution.

Jeju City said that there was nothing special to report while the government has been proceeding crackdowns around the (한일베라체) Hanil Verace sales office in Yeon-dong from the 19th until the 21st.

1. 고분양 논란 신축아파트 '떴다방' 집중 단속

고분양가 논란을 낳고 있는
연동 e편한세상 신축아파트의 계약 체결기간인
다음달 3일부터 5일까지 사흘 동안
'떴다방'식 중개 행위를 집중 단속합니다.

단속 대상은
SNS를 통해 시세에 영향을 줄 목적의
가격 담합행위를 비롯해
무등록, 무자격자 중개 행위 등입니다.

특히 임시중개시설물,
이른바 떴다방을 설치하거나
이중 또는 허위 계약서를 작성하는 행위를 중점 단속하고
적발될 경우 과태료 부과와 고발 조치합니다.

앞서 제주시는 지난 19일부터 21일까지
연동 한일베라체 분양사무소 주변에서 단속에 나섰지만
특이사항은 없었다고 설명했습니다.
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