Provincial government making efforts to secure ₩1.55T
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.04.27 14:15
Provincial government making efforts to secure ₩1.55T
Province to propose major projects to Ministry of Economy and Finance next month

The provincial government is making all-out efforts to secure 1.55 trillion won from the national budget for next year.

The province held a weekly policy coordination meeting on next year's state budget application hosted by Governor Won Hee-ryong on the 26th to assess details of the national budget application and the status of major projects.

In particular, since it is the last budget for the term of the office, a decision was made to strengthen cooperation among related departments and ensure nothing would be left out.

In addition, the province will propose major projects to the Ministry of Economy and Finance at a Finance Council meeting that will be held in Jeju early next month.

2. 내년 국비 목표액 1조5,500억 확보에 총력

1조 5천 500억원의
내년 국비 목표액 확보에 총력을 기울이기로 했습니다.

제주도는 26일 원희룡 지사 주재로
내년 국비사업 신청 관련 주간정책 조정회의를 열고
국비예산 신청 내역과
주요 사업에 대한 현황을 점검했습니다.

특히 국정임기 마지막 예산이어서 다양한 변수가 생길수 있는 만큼
누락된 부분이 없도록
관계부서별 협력을 강화하기로 했습니다.

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기획재정부 주관 재정협의회 간담회에서
기재부에 주요 사업에 대해 건의할 예정입니다.

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