Jeju Stone Park amends criteria for admission discount
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.04.27 14:17
Jeju Stone Park amends criteria for admission discount
Annual revenue expected to increase by ₩100M

Improvements have been made to the criteria of visitors eligible for discounted admission fees to the Jeju Stone Park. And this is expected to increase the annual revenue by 100 million won.

The Jeju Stone Park Management Office announced that it plans to enforce updated rules for discounts and exemption of admission fees from next month.

Those eligible for the exemptions from admission fees have been expanded from 14 fields to 17 fields, and the 50% discount on admission fees has also been expanded to overseas residents and honorary residents.

On the other hand, in May, the period of free admission for visitors was reduced and some of the areas that were originally free will now have an entrance fee. It is expected that such measures will increase annual revenues of over 100 million won.

4. 돌문화공원 관람료 감면 대상·기준 개선

제주돌문화공원 관람료 감면 대상과 기준이 개선돼
연간 1억원의 세입 증가가 기대됩니다.

관람료 면제와 할인 대상 등 감면 규정을 개선하고
다음달부터 운영할 계획이라고 밝혔습니다.

특히 관람료 면제 대상자를
기존 14개 분야에서 17개 분야로,
관람료 50% 할인 대상도
재외도민과 명예도민으로 확대했습니다.

반면 5월 관람객 무료입장 기간을 축소하고
일부 무료 운영 부분을 유료로 전환해
매년 1억 원 이상의 세입 증가가 예상됩니다.

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