Jeju residents getting married earlier
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.04.27 14:20
Jeju residents getting married earlier
Average marriage age for men is 33.4, 30.9 for women

The average age of marriage in Jeju last year was recorded to be younger than the previous year.

According to the Honam Regional Statistics Office, the average age of the first marriage in Jeju was 33.4 for men and 30.9 for women.

Compared to 2019, men and women are getting married 0.6 and 0.1 years earlier respectively.

Meanwhile, the province's average divorce age was 48.4 for men and 45.1 for women.

By age group, divorce rates were highest among men in their 40s and 50s and women in their 30s and 40s.

6. 제주 결혼 평균연령 남자 33.4세, 여성 30.9세

지난해 제주지역 결혼 연령이 조금 빨라진 것으로 조사됐습니다.

호남지방통계청에 따르면
제주지역 남성의
평균 초혼 연령은 33.4살,
여성의 경우 30.9살로 나타났습니다.

1년 전과 비교해 남성은 0.6살, 여성은 0.1살 빨라진 겁니다.

제주지역 평균 이혼연령을 보면
남성의 경우 48.4살,
여성은 45.1살로 조사됐습니다.

연령대별로는 남성의 경우 40~50대에서,
여성는 30,40대에서의
이혼 비율이 가장 높았습니다.
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