Need for establishment of Jeju Archives
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.05.14 13:45
Need for establishment of Jeju Archives
Director of National Archives said task force should be set up

Some suggested that the establishment of the Jeju Archives is necessary to record and preserve Jeju's history.

On the 13th, the Jeju Provincial Council invited experts to hold a policy debate on the establishment and development of the Jeju Archives.

(김재순) Kim Jae-soon, Director of the National Archives of Korea, attended the event and emphasized the necessity of the Archives, saying that in the process of enacting the Public Records Management Act, the list of prisoners during the April 3rd incident was first discovered and preserved. This was consequently used as a decisive proof of the restoration of the victim's honor.

Director Kim also mentioned that the province should secure key professionals for the establishment of the organization to manage permanent records and form a task force to prepare for the establishment of the Jeju Archives.

1. "제주기록원 설립 필요…설립 준비 TF 구성해야"

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