Jeju Employment: 69.4%
이현   |  
|  2024.04.15 11:01

The number of employed people in the Jeju region has been on the rise for three consecutive months.

According to the Jeju Office of the Honam Regional Statistics Office, the number of employed people in the region last month increased by 8,000 compared to a year ago.

The number of employed people has been increasing for three consecutive months, rising 1.4 percentage points to 69.4% last month.

By industry, the business, private, and public sectors, along with the wholesale, retail, accommodation, and food service sectors, increased, while the construction, mining, and manufacturing sectors decreased.

지난달 취업자 8천명 늘어…3개월 연속 증가

제주지역 취업자 수가 3개월 연속 증가세를 기록한 것으로 나타났습니다.

호남지방통계청 제주사무소에 따르면 지난달 도내 취업자는 1년 전과 비교해 8천명 늘었습니다.

취업자수가 3개월 연속 증가하면서
지난달 고용률도 1.4%포인트 오른
69.4%를 기록했습니다.

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도소매·숙박·음식점업이 증가한 반면
건설업과 광공업 등은 감소했습니다.

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