Gangjeong regional development plan finalized
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.02.13 15:27

1. Gangjeong regional development plan finalized
₩960b to be spent on dozens of projects through 2025

Local and national authorities have agreed to a regional development project in and around the village of Gangjeong, seven years after the plan was first considered.

The national and provincial governments say they have finalized the plan. They will spend 960 billion won on 39 separate projects that are designed to restore the community, in which a controversial navy base was built. 3.3 billion won is earmarked for wind power generation, 6.4 billion for the establishment of a navy museum, and 50 billion won for the creation of wetland ecopark. The work is slated for completion in 2025.

Officials did not include two proposals in the plan: the creation of an eco-friendly agricultural complex and work on the entrance road to the Civilian-Military Complex Port, saying those issues require more discussion.

강정마을 지역발전사업 7년만에 확정

지난 2012년부터 추진됐던 강정마을 지역발전사업계획이 7년 만에 확정됐습니다.

정부와 제주도는 강정마을 공동체 회복 지원 등 39개 사업에 오는 2025년까지 9천 6백억 원을 투입하는 지역발전계획사업을 확정했다고 밝혔습니다.

주요 사업을 보면 강정마을 풍력발전 330억 원, 해군박물관 조성 640억 원,
강정마을 습지 생태공원 조성사업 500억 원 등 입니다.

반면 주민들이 제안했던 친환경 농업단지와 민군복합항 진입도로 개선사업은
추가 협의가 필요하다며 유보됐습니다.
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