JDC-Greenland Group seeks to resume hospital construction
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2019.04.16 13:34

1. JDC-Greenland Group seeks to resume hospital construction
Government faces strong opposition at hearing

Moon Dae-rim, the chairman of Jeju International Free Development Center, met Zhang Yu Liang, the president of the Chinese Greenland Group. Moon and Zhang discussed ways to normalize the construction project of Greenland International Hospital.

Moon stated at his meeting with Zhang that it is crucial to communicate with the provincial government in order to resume construction.

Zhang emphasized that he will strengthen cooperative efforts with JDC to successfully promote the Healthcare Town project.

Public attention is now focusing on whether the local government will cancel its previous approval of the Greenland International Hospital, as a written opinion was submitted to Jeju at the recent hearing.

JDC-녹지, 녹지병원 헬스케어타운 협력 강화

문대림 제주국제자유도시개발센터 JDC 이사장이
중국 녹지그룹 장옥량 총재를 만나
녹지국제병원 사업 정상화 방안을 논의했습니다.

문 이사장은 지난 11일,
중국 상해에서 녹지그룹 장총재와 면담을 갖고
제주도와 정부와 소통해
중단된 공사를 재개하는 방안을 찾아야 한다고 밝혔습니다.

장옥량 총재도
헬스케어타운 조성사업 성공적 추진을 위해
JDC와 협력을 강화하겠다고 강조했습니다.

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최근 청문 의견서가 제주도에 제출되면서
개설허가 취소 처분 여부에 관심이 쏠리고 있습니다.

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