Greenland, Local Landowners Take Legal Action
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.04.22 14:40
Following the province’s decision to revoke the license of the Greenland International Hospital, the Jeju Healthcare Town is likely to become the center of legal disputes raised by the hospital as well as previous landowners .

Joseph Kim reports.

This is the Jeju Healthcare Town, where construction has been suspended for two years.

[slug] Jeju Healthcare Town construction suspended since 2017

Sixty percent of the second phase of the development, which includes construction for a hotel has been completed.

[slug] License of Greenland International Hospital annulled

The fate of the building completed for the nation’s first for-profit hospital, Greenland International Hospital, in 2017 is unclear due to the business license annulment.

[slug] Former landowners prepare lawsuit to reclaim expropriated properties

As all of the projects in the town have been suspended, previous landowners of the site are preparing legal action.

Residents of (동홍동) Donghong-dong will file a lawsuit against the province and the Jeju Free International City Development Center to reclaim the land that was expropriated for the project.

The residents say their community has been damaged by the two offices’ negligent administrative management of the Healthcare Town.

Not only previous owners of the land that was forced to be expropriated at the last minute, but also residents who joined in consultation for land expropriation with the province will participate in the lawsuit.

Kim Do-yeon / Community leader, Donghong-dong
The prospects for construction in the Jeju Healthcare Town remain unclear, so expropriated land should be returned to the land owners.
"2018년까지 준공 예정이었는데 지금까지 연기됐고 공사가 재개된다는 보장도 없습니다. 녹지그룹도 그렇고 JDC도 마찬가지입니다. 마냥 기다릴 수 없으니 공사 재개가 안되면 원토지주에게 돌려주는게 마땅하다고 생각합니다."

Meanwhile, the Greenland International Hospital is also taking legal action against the province.

[slug] Greenland to sue Jeju to repeal province’s decision

Greenland will likely lodge a claim asking for 80 billion won in compensation for damage from the delayed opening of its hospital along with suits to repeal its ban on domestic patients and the annulment of its business license.

The lawsuits would make it much harder to normalize the Jeju Healthcare Town development projects while investment in the town had been withdrawn for years.

[Reporter] Joseph Kim
[Camera] Hyeon Gwang-hoon

A few days before the province decided to revoke the business license, the CEO of the JDC, (문대림) Mun Dae-rim and the president of Greenland met and agreed on ways to resume the construction on the 11th this month. This gives Greenland another ground to fight against the province.

The province and the JDC are facing dual legal battles from the developer and area residents.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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