Support for 're-opening' of stores affected by visits of COVID-19 patients
변미루 기자  |
|  2020.05.25 13:37
3. Support for 're-opening' of stores affected by visits of COVID-19 patients
₩2M available for promotional expenses

Jeju Island is supporting the cost of reopening stores that were affected by the visit of confirmed COVID-19 patients.

Those who are eligible for support are small business owners who have been directly affected due to visits from confirmed patients.

The government will provide up to 2 million won for the cost of materials and promotional expenses that go into the reopening.

Businesses in need of support can apply by the 5th of June.

More than 100 businesses in the province are estimated to have been affected by confirmed visits since the outbreak of COVID-19.

3. 코로나 확진자 방문 피해 점포 '재개점' 지원

제주도가 코로나19 확진자의 방문으로
피해를 본 점포에 대해 재개점 비용을 지원합니다.

지원 대상은
코로나 확진자가 방문해
직접적인 피해를 받은 소상공인 점포로

재개장에 소요된 재료비와 홍보비 등에 대해 200만 원까지 지원합니다.

지원을 원하는 업소는 다음달 5일까지 신청하면 됩니다.

한편 코로나 사태 이후 도내 100여 개 업소가
확진자 방문으로
피해를 본 것으로 추산되고 있습니다.

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