Bill guaranteeing minimum prices of agricultural, fishery products proposed
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.06.15 10:55
3. Bill guaranteeing minimum prices of agricultural, fishery products proposed
Revisions will stabilize prices for farmers, fishermen

A bill to protect farmers and fishermen is proposed that will support them when prices of their agricultural and fishery products drop below the minimum price.

Lawmaker Wi Seong-gon from the Democratic Party of Korea is the chief author of the bill.

The revision bill of the Distribution and Price Stabilization of Agricultural and Fishery Products Act stipulates that each city and province must set up a committee that reviews the minimum prices of agricultural and fishery products. When prices drop below the minimum, the government pays the difference to the farmers and fishermen.

The necessity for the bill has been voiced for several years, but it has yet to be applied. Jeju Island is currently reviewing whether to introduce the bill.

위성곤 의원, '농산물 최저가격 보장제' 발의

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