Good Landlord Campaign spreads to towns and villages of Seogwipo
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.02.22 10:10
Good Landlord Campaign spreads to towns and villages of Seogwipo
Rent slashed by up to 30%

The so-called ‘Good Landlord Campaign’ in Seogwipo City is expanding to the eup and myeon administrative districts.

According to the city of Seogwipo, the Seongsan-ri Village Association has decided to cut rent this year by 30% at the shopping district owned by the association following similar actions taken last year.

Similar efforts were taken in Namwon 1-ri of Namwon-eup, where the rent for an agricultural products market was cut by 30% this year, as well as Seongeup 1-ri (성읍1리) and Tosan 2-ri (토산2리) in Pyoseon-myeon, where a reduction of 10% to 25% was offered for five different businesses.

The movement has also spread to Seogwangseo-ri (서광서리) in Andeok-myeon, resulting in actions taken to reduce rent by 10%.

5. 서귀포지역 착한 임대인 운동 읍·면으로 확산

서귀포지역 착한 임대인 운동이 읍면지역으로 확산되고 있습니다.

서귀포시에 따르면
성산리마을회가 지난해에 이어 올해도 마을회 소유 상가에 대해
임대료를 30% 인하하기로 했습니다.

이와함께 남원읍 남원1리에서는
올해 농산물판매장 임대료를 30%를 인하했고,
표선면 성읍1리와 토산2리에서도 5개 영업장에 대해
10에서 25%까지 임대료를 내렸습니다.

또 안덕면 서광서리에서도 임대료를 10%를 인하하는 등
'착한 임대인 운동'이 마을을 중심으로 확산되고 있습니다.

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