Provincial councilors discuss ways to fill vacuum in administration
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.08.11 10:45
Provincial councilors discuss ways to fill vacuum in administration
They agreed that vice governor position should be taken by administrative expert

Joa Nam-su, the chairman of the provincial council, and floor leaders of each party gathered to discuss ways to fill the vacuum in provincial administration, as governor Won Heeryong resigned from his position.

They agreed that the position of vice governor for political affairs should be taken by an administrative expert without any political color,
who is capable of solving problems regarding the second airport and people's livelihood impacted from COVID-19.

In particular, Chairman Joa Nam-su emphasized that if a recommendation is received from the province, the council can decide whether the candidate is suitable through a public hearing, and added that the council should not make any recommendation for the position to the province.

4. "현역의원 정무부지사 추천 부적절"

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