Council demands more info on Ora Tourism Complex
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.05.24 13:11

Council demands more info on Ora Tourism Complex
Lawmakers want detailed plans for funding, water usage, etc.

The provincial council’s urban environment committee has officially asked the developer of the Ora Tourism Complex and government departments for additional materials regarding the development’s environmental impact assessment.

Lawmakers want the wastewater estimate updated based on plans for sewerage improvements. The committee also wants the developer to take a long-term perspective and explore ways to connect wastewater pipes to the public sewer system. In addition, the committee is urging everyone involved to consult with other agencies and businesses to figure out if the development can tie into the city water system rather than use groundwater.

Finally, lawmakers want a detailed step-by-step funding plan, a traffic impact assessment, and a reduction in the size of the development or a decrease in the number of floors in its buildings.

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