Jeju donates ₩10m to relief efforts for quake-struck Pohang
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.11.22 14:09

Jeju donates \10m to relief efforts for quake-struck Pohang
Bottled water shipped to area last week

The provincial government has donated 10 million won to the Korea Disaster Relief Association for earthquake recovery efforts in Pohang.

Governor Won Hee-ryong said the province will actively participate in relief efforts, adding that he hopes the donation would help alleviate some of the suffering of those affected by the quake.

This latest donation comes after Jeju shipped 10,300 2-liter bottles Samdasoo water to the Pohang area last Friday.

제주도, 포항 지진 피해 성금 1천만 원 전달

제주특별자치도가 전국 재해구호협회에 포항 지역 지진 피해 복구 성금
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